ted leo -brutalist bricks. keep em coming. gets better with every listen.
Leatherface stormy petrel. Stubbs for Life. Sound on this is weak, but the footwork is excellent.
God is dead - Leatherface 2010-9-6 Tokyo@Kouenji HIGH from Spalding on Vimeo.
superchunk proof that bands don't have to suck as they grow older.
Superchunk - Digging For Something from Merge Records on Vimeo.
off! 1st ep. all 4 eps are good, but this one is perfect. more proof that old dudes can do it.
gaslight anthem-not original but I listened to it for most of the summer and fall. pretty good driving music
colesium -slowed down and pretty much one groove, but still a great record.
COLISEUM Blind In One Eye - Music Video from Coliseum on Vimeo.
daniel higgs-say god. double dose of higgs? yes please.
madball empire. road trip staple. sometimes dumb is just what you need.
castavet mound of ash-best record that I didn't listen too enough
dynamic truths- reissue of year and if they were still around, this would hands down be my record of the year. sadly can't track down any video.
A common thread amongst all these is the "veteran presence". I guess this was the year for the old bands and old dudes. Sorry new bands and young kids-maybe next year you can do it.
PS another absolute road trip staple was Brian Posehn "Fart and Weiner Jokes". classic. Slaaayyyyeeerrr!