Tour de Suisse starts today. 9 stages. Line ups not as heavy as the Dauphine, but some potential TDF favorites are here. Sastre,Cunego,Brajkovic and Simoni look like the best climbers in the bunch. A short opening prologue could be could for Cancellara to show his stuff.
Rabobank sent a team that looks built more for stage wins and breakaways although short stage race phenom Thomas Dekker is there. If this is Quicksteps stage race crew, they should focus on the classics....
First stage is for the sprinters, then the hills start. Stage 7 looks tough. Stage 8 looks perfect for a desperate breakaway, but doubtful if any GC threats will escape there. Finishes off with a TT. Last year Horner grabbed the jersey, but lost it in the final TT. Could be a similar scenario this year, unless someone grabs a decisive lead in tne mountains.
I think the final podium will contain Kloden,Brajkovic, and Sastre. Thomas Dekker and Mike Rogers round out the top five.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
young pioneers

Where they ahead of their time of 30 years too late? Sometimes bands with great record collections and brains can't transcend their good taste in music. That was never the case with the young pioneers. There are also a lot of bands that talk a lot of shit, but don't walk the talk. Again that wasn't the Pioneers.
From 93-98 over the course of 3 albums, and 6 singles they the laid out their unique musical vision. Equal parts Bob Dylan, Blitz, and Curtis Mayfield. Visual clues in the layouts and audio clues in the music let you know something was going on and made you feel like you were special if you got it. A basic live uniform that called to mind the best soul groups and the People's Republic of China.
The lyrics were political, but not some Crass lecture. A "working men are pissed" D.Boon type perspective mixed with name checking and allusions to all sorts of historical minutia worth investigating. Live reports from the middle of a failing America. All of this got filtered through the reality of living south of the rust belt deep in the depressed and crime ridden heart of Dixie. They were even ahead of their time moving to Richmond...
The improved with every release. Starting out with a pseudo acoustic punk skiffle. Folkie harmonica and acoustic colliding with distorted vocals. "Going electric" was a serious upgrade. Marty and Brooks were a killer rhythm section. Live shows were always energetic and they toured quite a bit.
The Crimewave 10" hinted at a Fall/Minutemen brilliance.
The final Free the Young Pioneers LP pushes it even further. Short super catchy songs that are anything but straight ahead. The muster up the courage to pull off an Impressions cover. For you serious record nerds, make sure you get it on red wax! Most of these records can be found in the used bins of your local record store and for those to lazy to travel, there is always ebay or itunes. You might as well go dig them out know before you wait to long and they become the next thing in KBD or DIY record nerd hype.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Friday Cycling Action

Tylar Farrar won today's stage of the CTT Correios de Portugal after getting second yesterday and is in 1st place in this 4 day stage race which wraps up tomorrow. Breakout year for him as he has been in the front of a lot of races, but finally scores. Once again, I find results like that more exciting than the action at the Dauphine where Kashechkin is in the overall lead an Astana one two punch saw Colom get the stage with Vino is second.
Remember the constant Vino Kash attacks in last years Vuelta? What do you think will happen this year in the TDF? Astana will probably make Tinkoff look calm in comparision. Unlike Tinkoff, they might get results by attacking at the end of the stage rather than the beginning
Radler and other news you can use

Stumbled across a drink called a Shandy which is beer mixed with lemonade or soda. Couldn't decide if that was gross or interesting or a joke. Wikipedia had a suprisingly comprehensive global review of this Euro drink style. Most interesting to me was the Radler(german for "cyclist")-details below.
"The Radler ("cyclist") is a beverage consisting of a 50%/50% or 60%/40% mixture of lager beer and German-style lemonade. It was invented by the Munich gastronomer Franz Xaver Kugler in September 1922 when approximately 13,000 cyclists visited his tavern. His beer started to run out, so he cleverly mixed the remaining beer with lemonade and pretended he created the Radler especially for the cyclists so that they could drive home without the risk of falling off their bicycles. Radler is not just drunk only in Bavaria but the rest of Germany as well, and is also quite common in Austria. During the summer months, Radler is very popular due to its reputation of being a thirst-quencher."
Guess what will be in my water bottle this weekend if the sun is out?? At the very least I will be testing out some of these concoctions....
Moss/Monarch split 7"
Rise Above give you 2 bands doing covers. Monarch go for the Turbonegro classic "I got Erection" and Moss cover Discharge's "Maimed and Slaughtered". Monarch do a fairly straight forwarded cover. Not the massive wall of rock that Turbo deliver, but a more lo fi menacing version kinda stoogey. I guess the female vocals give it a novelty angle. Good but not crucial and doesn't live up to the high expectations the pairing creates.
Super slow Moss tackle super fast Discharge. "Maimed and Slaughtered" is slooooowwweed and stretched to the breaking point as Moss give it the full Burning Witch/Eyehategod treatment. Brutal and the main reason to scoop this up. Limited to 500 in a Grey Purple generic Rise Above sleeve to indicate from a distance that you have a collectable artifact in your hands
Sorry no photos my camera is on vacation....
Super slow Moss tackle super fast Discharge. "Maimed and Slaughtered" is slooooowwweed and stretched to the breaking point as Moss give it the full Burning Witch/Eyehategod treatment. Brutal and the main reason to scoop this up. Limited to 500 in a Grey Purple generic Rise Above sleeve to indicate from a distance that you have a collectable artifact in your hands
Sorry no photos my camera is on vacation....
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Cycling Wrap UP
Can't imagine anyone is stoked to be selected for the Tour of Slovenia, but Garzelli and Nibali grab stages and are on track to end up on the podium behind native Mitja Mahoric. Liquigas keeps winning.
Dauphin's Ventoux stage goes to Christophe Moreau who is on a Virenque like Autumn of his career tear-and read into that what you will. Now the TDF, does not want Riis at the tour, but Festina survivor Moreau is OK? Interesting. I guess the 90s doping legacy will hang over us for a few more years(provided it can get cleaned up somehow)Valverde did not have a good day. He finished 28 minutes down behind Backstedt and Nuyens
In other doping news, Bruunyel might look to China for a title sponsor??? That doesn't sound sketchy.... They can't find a US or Euro sponsor? Only 2 years after their Armstrong winning streak and they can't find anyone to step up???Never mind Cofidis pulling the plug. Musical chairs for pro-tour riders this year.
Pettachi must have left his asthma medication at home as he only finished 65th out of 73 finishers in the aptly named Veenendaal-Veenendaal in Holland. Craig Lewis holding in down at 52 for Slipstream. The USA national team is battling at Thüringen-Rundfahrt which wraps up tomorrow. I am really more excited about the younger riders slugging it out in this odd races than they Pro-Tour events. I guess I don't have any reason to believe one is cleaner than the other, but it seems less tainted at this point. Maybe I have watched too many movies like PureSweet Hell,Pro,Hard Road, and Transition one and two and love the undergog and the hard road.
Dauphin's Ventoux stage goes to Christophe Moreau who is on a Virenque like Autumn of his career tear-and read into that what you will. Now the TDF, does not want Riis at the tour, but Festina survivor Moreau is OK? Interesting. I guess the 90s doping legacy will hang over us for a few more years(provided it can get cleaned up somehow)Valverde did not have a good day. He finished 28 minutes down behind Backstedt and Nuyens
In other doping news, Bruunyel might look to China for a title sponsor??? That doesn't sound sketchy.... They can't find a US or Euro sponsor? Only 2 years after their Armstrong winning streak and they can't find anyone to step up???Never mind Cofidis pulling the plug. Musical chairs for pro-tour riders this year.
Pettachi must have left his asthma medication at home as he only finished 65th out of 73 finishers in the aptly named Veenendaal-Veenendaal in Holland. Craig Lewis holding in down at 52 for Slipstream. The USA national team is battling at Thüringen-Rundfahrt which wraps up tomorrow. I am really more excited about the younger riders slugging it out in this odd races than they Pro-Tour events. I guess I don't have any reason to believe one is cleaner than the other, but it seems less tainted at this point. Maybe I have watched too many movies like PureSweet Hell,Pro,Hard Road, and Transition one and two and love the undergog and the hard road.
Pye Republican 1967 45 triple play
I come from the Bushmills side of the divide when it comes to Ireland, but can't claim strong opinions one way or the other. I am aware of Pye releases mainly because of the Kinks and some more late 60s groups. They also dealt with Petula Clark and Lonnie Donnegan. I had no idea they were involved promoting the Republican Cause in Ireland, but here's the proof. 1967 release date for all 3
The Tinkers Reluctant Patriot b/w Rifles of the IRA . The Tinkers were of course dispossessed Irish who choose to be homeless rather than pay tax to England. This group of Tinkers play some banjo driven folk protest anthems. Clearly the most political of these singles, but you'd be hard pressed not to hum along if you heard it played regardless of your political opinions
The Rambler- Those Brown Eyes b/w Muisheen Durkin. Muisheen Durkin is a farewell tune to his hometown as he heads out to the US of A. Catchy acoustic guitar folk. "Those Brown Eyes" is a 3/4 ballad familiar to most with guitar and harmonica.
Pat Lynch & The Airchords "Picking up the Pieces" is a fair approximation of US Country filtered through an Everly Brothers kind of pop sensibilities. Kind of some honky tonk pop. Doing a full 180 comes "The Irish Soldier" which opens with bagpipes and tells the tale of some "true Irish Men" trying to free old Wexler town. A song of loss. It retains the pop sensibility and cathciness of the flipside none the less.
It is always fun to stumble onto an unknown genre of music. Can't say if 3 45s on Pye constitutes a sub genre, but Guthrie/Dylan influenced political balladering was not something I expected from them.
Thanks to Ur Trommler who provided this from his ample stock of Papist Propaganda.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Super Cool Cali Soul V2

Any comp that starts off with a new version of "Compared to What" is off to a good start with me. The Gow Do Experience tackle the Eugene McDaniels classic on this 16 song Luv'N Haight complitation-not once but twice!
Sick vibraphone groove on Revolution Rap by Joey Jefferson Band. No rapping but a nice funky instrumental groover. Spanky Wilson does a killer cover of "Fancy" by Bobby Gentry. Spanky pretty much owns this funky gem. LAPD drop a organ driven workout called "Big Herm". It wouldn't be a good funk or soul comp without someone dropping a James Brown style vocal and Johnny Morisette gets the honor here with "I'm Hungry". A grunts,sax, and wah wah classic. David Glover keeps the party rolling with, "We got to get it together" which as a real Stevie meets Sly Stone type of vibe. Nice shuffling groove. Gow Do return with Psychedelic Sally and it is a banging up tempo instrumental. Just when you think it can't get any better, Rodney Trotter drops "Space Nigga" a Parliamnet/Ohio Players type jam.
SF Pimp Darondo gets a spot on this comp and makes it count.
Extremely listenable comp that you will want to keep on repeat. I would go so far as to say a must have if you are a funk/soul fan.
As a final bonus the liner notes and photos are top notch-super detailed and a good read to boot.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Looking Glass Take the Time b/wGonna work out Fine
Some serious plodding proto Sabbath erupts from the A-Side of this 45 "Take the Time". It kicks up the pace and delivers a pounding Grand Funk type of anthem. Some furious guitar work. Somehow I don't think this is the same group that gave us "Brandy"....
Side 2's "I think it's Gonna work out fine" is more 70s rock grandness with a more amped up ballad feel about getting married. A slight Urge Overkill vibe on the vocals.
Some unknown hard rock heroes for sure.
Stone Records is probably a not so subtle statement on how hard or high the label and bands are/were. Not too much info produced by Dave Hallowell and recorded at Third World Recordings in Boston??? Must be a local connection since this too came from the now infamous Brighton yard sale 45 score of 07!
Any further info or details on this band? Send them in.
Boston Bike Film Festival news item
Entries called for Boston Bike Film Festival
The third annual Boston Bike Film Festival is accepting submissions from cycling filmmakers. The work will be shown October 19-20, 2007 at venues in and around Boston.
"The second annual festival was even more exciting than the first," said Cat Bryant, executive director of the BBFF. "I think we have found our niche; the Boston bike community has shown so much enthusiasm for this event."
Film concepts from last year's festival ranged from learning how to become a bike commuter in Boston to part two of a documentary concept that exposed the backlash of bias against cyclists in the aftermath of arrests after the Republican National Convention held in New York City in August 2004. The Harvard-Smithsonian-funded feature "POV Me" featuring "Turbo Tanya" Markham (for those in the know, she is the daughter of "Fast Freddy" Markham) engaged BBFF audiences with a scientific look at the machinations of Human Powered Vehicle speed.
Types of films shown at the BBFF include animated shorts, digitally enhanced clips, and feature length documentaries.
Early-bird submissions must be postmarked by August 17, 2007. All submissions must be received by September 21, 2007. Full festival information and details for submissions can be found at The site will also offer clips from last year's festival shortly.
The third annual Boston Bike Film Festival is accepting submissions from cycling filmmakers. The work will be shown October 19-20, 2007 at venues in and around Boston.
"The second annual festival was even more exciting than the first," said Cat Bryant, executive director of the BBFF. "I think we have found our niche; the Boston bike community has shown so much enthusiasm for this event."
Film concepts from last year's festival ranged from learning how to become a bike commuter in Boston to part two of a documentary concept that exposed the backlash of bias against cyclists in the aftermath of arrests after the Republican National Convention held in New York City in August 2004. The Harvard-Smithsonian-funded feature "POV Me" featuring "Turbo Tanya" Markham (for those in the know, she is the daughter of "Fast Freddy" Markham) engaged BBFF audiences with a scientific look at the machinations of Human Powered Vehicle speed.
Types of films shown at the BBFF include animated shorts, digitally enhanced clips, and feature length documentaries.
Early-bird submissions must be postmarked by August 17, 2007. All submissions must be received by September 21, 2007. Full festival information and details for submissions can be found at The site will also offer clips from last year's festival shortly.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Tavarez is starting to grow on me

The official JT blister cure
"Tavarez has been making his last few starts with a torn blister at the tip of his right middle finger, which he has been successfully self-treating in a unique way. He said that he dealt with the problem by: 1) popping the blister, 2) repeatedly swabbing it with rubbing alcohol, 3) crushing aspirin, mixing it with Red Bull energy drink and rubbing it on the wound. The process has dried and hardened the broken skin." From the Boston Herald. Also mentioned in the Globe
Red Bull and Aspirin????? Anyone want to test this?? Do they test for this?
The thing that really started to change my mind was the story that with his first big check, he bought a floor for his families house in the Dominican. No Escalade, no Bentley, a floor. Very practical.
Then there was the whole Manny rubbing his head episode.
Finally his incessant attempts to communicate with Dice K and Okajima are amazing.
Tavarez was a nightmare last year coming out of the bull pen, but has been way above expectation in his role as the 5th Starter.
Keep an eye on the paper, cause he is always good for a quote. No wonder they call him Bat Shit.
King Coleman It's Dance Time CD

This is the man who taught you to dance the Mash Potato, the Hully Gully, and the Booga Lou. This is the Mash Potato Man himself who dropped killer R&B stompers on Dade,Togo,Port, and Big Apple.
This Norton CD compiles 22 tracks of unrepentant get up and dance juke box killers. King is an over the top shouter that gives it 110%. He also loves to laugh over the tracks and given the lyrical content I am not suprised a grown man would laugh! Trust me I am not one looking for overly intelletcual lyrics, so that is not a dig. He also likes to sing his songs in the 1st person, like "I'm a pitbull" on "Pitbull". You've heard a lot of these tracks on classic R&B comps, but now get them all in one place.
This is perfect summer back yard party music. And as mentioned in a recent review of the Lookey Dookey 45, he is on myspace and still active.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Weekend Cycling Wrap Up
This was a better weekend for riding bikes than paying attention to races. Tour of Luxemborg ends Gregory Rast of Astana gets the last stage and overall. Euskal Bizikleta wrapped up with Constantino Zaballa getting the last stage and overall as well. So many Puerto linked riders were in this race that it was serious bum out.
The good news is that in the Philly International Championship, JJ Haedo got the win!! No US riders in the top five -guess it was really "international"!
Getting his butt kicked in Italy must have been just the training he needed. He will be a sprinter to watch next year.
Bradley Wiggins grabbed the win in the Dauphine Libere's 4.2K prologue Leiphemer and Kashechkin in 2nd and 3rd. Boonen and Hushovd should have a chance at the leader's jersey tomorrow -looks like one for the sprinters in an otherwise mountainous race. ITT on stage 3 followed by Mt.Ventoux on stage 4 should set up the winners, but several hard mountain stages follow so a bad day could end you chances.
Pellizoti kept the Liquigas winnings streak going at Mercatone Uno - Memorial Pantani-4th year for this race. Gone but not forgotten is the troubled climber. DiLuca started the race, but bailed early enough to be dressed like this at the finish..... His victory vacation has started.
If Discovery fails to get a title sponsor, what happens to Hincapie? Does he have the palmares to get a leadership role on a classics oriented team(and remember Cofidis are gone next year so more classics guys will be available)? Seems hard to believe-especially when teams like Quickstep will pick up former winners to be super domestiques in the big onedays. So what does GH do? I postulate that if Slipstream is serious about stepping up to the Pro-Tour they will try and snatch George or some other American(s) with UCI points to further their development. If something like that doesn't pan out, George better try and sell his skills as a road captian ala Piepoli -someone who can shepard a young up and comer to success.
Tom Danielson might be another guy ready to jump ship with Contador and Brajkovic putting in strong performances will he be able to claim a leadership role at Disco or would he be better of at Slipstream?
The good news is that in the Philly International Championship, JJ Haedo got the win!! No US riders in the top five -guess it was really "international"!
Getting his butt kicked in Italy must have been just the training he needed. He will be a sprinter to watch next year.
Bradley Wiggins grabbed the win in the Dauphine Libere's 4.2K prologue Leiphemer and Kashechkin in 2nd and 3rd. Boonen and Hushovd should have a chance at the leader's jersey tomorrow -looks like one for the sprinters in an otherwise mountainous race. ITT on stage 3 followed by Mt.Ventoux on stage 4 should set up the winners, but several hard mountain stages follow so a bad day could end you chances.
Pellizoti kept the Liquigas winnings streak going at Mercatone Uno - Memorial Pantani-4th year for this race. Gone but not forgotten is the troubled climber. DiLuca started the race, but bailed early enough to be dressed like this at the finish..... His victory vacation has started.
If Discovery fails to get a title sponsor, what happens to Hincapie? Does he have the palmares to get a leadership role on a classics oriented team(and remember Cofidis are gone next year so more classics guys will be available)? Seems hard to believe-especially when teams like Quickstep will pick up former winners to be super domestiques in the big onedays. So what does GH do? I postulate that if Slipstream is serious about stepping up to the Pro-Tour they will try and snatch George or some other American(s) with UCI points to further their development. If something like that doesn't pan out, George better try and sell his skills as a road captian ala Piepoli -someone who can shepard a young up and comer to success.
Tom Danielson might be another guy ready to jump ship with Contador and Brajkovic putting in strong performances will he be able to claim a leadership role at Disco or would he be better of at Slipstream?
AC Bhativendanta Swami Pradhupada Krsna Meditaion LP Krisna Rock V 19

1974 on Radha Krsna Produktions(RKP 1005) this LP called "Krsna Meditaions" is comprised of 2 side long tracks. Side a is "Prayers to the Six Govindas" and Side B is "Yasomati-nandana Cintamani" Prabhu sings and plays the harmonium accompanied on drums. One set of drums is played by none other than Hansadutta. German origin-hence "produktions"
This is a pretty killer devotional lp. In the vein of the kirtan records, but more traditional and calming. Not unlike a less ecstatic Nusrat Ali Khan record. Although his voice is the center piece,he still manages to rock out on the harmonium. Especially towards the end of side two. You can hear more of Prabhupada here.
Perhaps the first vinyl appearance of Hansadutta and he is contained here in his role as a sideman. This may be the oldest krsna record, I have reviewed. Once I hit 20 or 25 records, there will be a masterful recap of all the action. Fear not.
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