Thursday, July 12, 2007


Hemi were a band that released a handful of 7"s and and LP in the early 90s on Big Money Inc. Rocking and heavy but with a nod of the head to bands like Drunk Injuns and some of the more fucked up rocking punk bands of SF past-Dicks Tales of Terror,etc.
They came out during that pre grunge era(93-94) when bands were "too rock" to be punk, but "too punk" to be rock. (maybe too old to be punk anymore???) Think Bullet Lavolta or something. At least one dude in the band had to be rocking leather pants,etc.
Hands down their classic song was "Slow Leak" which appeared on a 7" and a Thrasher Skate Rock Comp. The version on the single has a super overloaded recording and it practically jumps off the turntable heading for your throat.
Tracked down a copy of their CD for $1.99 worth it for the digitized versions of the classic songs from the singles(Slow Leak, City of the Lost Souls,Save Yourself,etc) The remaining tracks run the gamut from pretty good to kind of OK to not bad which is not a good place for 6-8 tracks to be.
These are the kinds of 7"s you can find for a buck or two in the back of most record stores. Tragically lingering in the "budget" or "cheap" section most likely.
Every city had a band like this "ex-members" that go metal. Think Four Horsemen in Louisville, Junkyard, any band from Boston,etc.

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