Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cycling Year Wrap Up

Top Moments of 07
1.O'Grady wins a dusty Paris Roubaix and survives a heinous crash and then comes back to win a track race before the end of 07! Harden the Fuck Up!
2.Ballan wins Flanders. I had him picked for something special-maybe a Het Volk win or something, but he comes up big
3.Riccardo Ricco, the Schleck Brothers and other young guns starting to win. Hopefully some fresh faces to close the door on the EPO generation.
4.Kemmelberg controversy in Ghent Wevelgem. The crash was no highlight, but this stretch of road needs to stay in the race. Remember back to when Cipo bridged up to a breakaway containing Hincapie to win on this stretch? History.
5. Jens Voigt. Period. Like Jackie Durand, but with tactical savy and the ability to win races.
6. Zabel stepping up to support Altag and admitting to doping. Stand up move.
7.Monte Paschi Eroica. White Gravel Road Race in October in Italy. Cool. A lot of newer races don't seem that exciting, but this is something I want to see again. Kolobnev's performance here and at the worlds was impressive.
8.Bettini caps a not so good season and last minute political fury with a commanding win at the World's. Italian team rode as a team and set it up nicely.
9.Pavel Brutt and Mikhail Ignatiev from team Tinkoff battling at the Giro. Tinkoff seems like an idiot and his signing of tainted older riders was a bad move, but these two guys have promising future. Hopefully these 2 Russian maniacs are not going to follow the Eugeni Berzin example and flame out.
4.Slipstreams power moves for the future??? They have grabbed a curious array of riders, but what can they do with it? Big Maggy in argyle? Bring it on. The expansion concept seems a little shakey but maybe some luck at Pari Nice or Roubaix will help them. Millar better ask Mike Jordan about the whole onwer/player problem.
5.Svein Tuft in Virginia at US Open Championship or whatever is was called. Hard Man for Hard Day. Snow and cobbles in Virginia?
6.Het Volk not cancelled due to bad weather.

1.Watching the O6 tour on the trainer and realizing all the strong performances of Gonchar, Mazzolini, and Sinkewitz were chemically enchanced.
2.Rock Racing. The big mouth on the owner is bad, but signing Botero and Hamilton is a joke. How is Hamilton going to stay upright in the crit based US racing scene? How long til they sign Kasheckin or worse? Maybe a Dario Frigo or Rumundas Rumsas could come out of retirement.
3.Horner to Astana. Don't know why, but it's a bummer. Kinda like Han Solo joining the Empire.
4. DiLuca has the season of his life tainted by drugs. Hard to not be suspicious as he is the right age to be part of the asterik generation.
5.Sinkewitz running into a dog being the primary media highlight for this years TDF.

I know I am missing out on several things but this is it for now

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