Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Benediction Moon Classic Kirtans Hara Krishna Rock #9

I was doing some more online digging in my quest to gather more krishna records. I did a google image search for Benediction Moon and came across this image When I tried to jump to the site, it was not longer up on the store page. So like anyone on a quest, after be rebuffed once I pushed on and emailed the site to see if it was still available hidden in a back room. I was really intrigued by what might be on this tape and any further leads it might give me. The cassette itself is no longer available, but someone was kind enough to put together a 2 disc compilation covering the "Classic Kirtans of the 70s". And right there track number 20 was over an hour of Benediction Moon chanting "Bengali Bhajans at Mayapur Fest 1976. No acid folk or pseudo rock. Just call and response Kirtan chanting with some drums and that accordion like thing. Occasionally you pick up what sounds like and Aussie accent in the chanters. The lead chanter has a pretty charismatic over the top style of chanting.
I am still trying to contact anyone from this group, but thus far this has been my only reward. My only other research item of note is this recipe for "Benediction Moon Samosas "

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